Hello, my name is Dean. I am 22 and have been at New Hall for 14 months. I suffered very traumatic experience when I was 17 and as a result of this used alcohol and substances including cannabis, ecstasy, crack-cocaine, ketamine and heroin to block this out. This obviously had a significant impact on my mental health. Now I am diagnosed with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder and Bipolar Affective Disorder.
Before I was admitted to New Hall I didn’t care about living or dying and my home town had very limited provision for people with mental health disorders. During the time I was taking all of the drugs and booze my relationship with my family wasn’t the best. My mother was just a cash machine that I used regularly.
I was admitted to New Hall initially on Glaslyn ward which is a low secure unit. For the first 5 months I refused to engage with any groups, then I started to work with two amazing Occupational Therapists Dave and Craig. They are the most amazing motivators that I have ever met. They offered me so many different choices of things to do including going to the cinema and other places of interest. I also participated in an anxiety management course, a course to help me manage my depression and a course to help me become more assertive. If it wasn’t for Dave and Craig I wouldn’t be the person I am today. They helped me to mature and grow. I moved to the locked rehabilitation unit more quickly than anyone else which is something I’m really proud of.
The staff here are phenomenal, they listen to you and you can actually tell that they care about you. The nurses are amazing, they sit down regularly with you to have a one to one. They do care plans whilst you’re in hospital and for when you get out. The Support Workers are so committed to us and you can tell that they’re here because they want to be.
Since I have been at New Hall, mine and my mother’s relationship has been the best it’s been in yours. I’m off all the crazy medication that I came here on. I can honestly say that New Hall has saved my life and now I see a light at the end of the tunnel.